10 Mar 2011



Episode 1
Mudah sekali bukan..Semoga dapat bermanfaat."

6 Des 2010

Efek Teks Gula-Gula

In this tutorial I’ll teach you how to make a web 2.0 logo so damn sugary sweet it’ll give your website a cavity. Then I’ll give you the PSD, the font, and all the patterns used in the image so that you can play with it yourself. If you want to skip the tutorial altogether, you can download the PSD here. The beauty of the correct way to design logos in Photoshop or Illustrator comes when we keep everything as editable text layers from start to finish. That way if we need to make changes or reuse the idea, we can just pop open a Photoshop file and quickly output a new version of an old idea. This will also make it easy for you to duplicate my steps.
1. Open up Photoshop and Create a new layer.
2. Use the Text Tool download free photoshop files to write something in black using the “Creampuff” font.
download free psds
3. Choose “Color Overlay” from the Layer Style options.
color overlay
4. Select a pinkish color. Because it makes most people think of candy or something edible(….like babies). For your reference, I’m using these settings….. Color Overlay >> #9e5859. Let’s name this layer ‘Base’.
5. Duplicate this current layer twice by dragging it to the layer button two times.

6. Name one of the duplicates ‘Hard’ and the other ‘Sugar’. This is just for the sake of the tutorial, really you could name them whatever you want. Make sure you order the three layers so that ‘Base’ is underneath ‘Hard’ and ‘Sugar’ is topmost.
7. Hide the layer named ‘Sugar’ for now. Select ‘Hard’ so we can make it look like hard candy (now you see why I named it that?). Use the following settings in your layer style.
Drop Shadow Settings
Opacity = 50%, Angle = 90%, Distance = 2px, Spread = 3px, Noise = 0%, Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow = Yes

Bevel and Emboss Settings
Style = Inner Bevel, Technique = Smooth, Depth = 471%, Direction = Up, Size = 8px, Soften = 0px, Use Global Light = Yes, Gloss Contour = Gaussian, Anti-Aliased = No, Highlight Mode = Screen at 42% with a White (#ffffff) Color Setting, Shadow Mode = Multiply at 17% with a Black (#000000) Color Setting.
bevel and emboss
These settings serve to make your candy text look three dimensional.
8. Next we want to select a Pattern Overlay. This step isn’t necessary but a little decoration will make your candy look more appetizing. Before you attempt this, make sure you’ve loaded ‘candy_stripes.pat’ into your version of Photoshop.
Make the following setting changes.
Pattern Overlay Settings
Blend Mode = Exclusion, Pattern = Pattern 1 (my choice, you can choose differently), Scale = 61%, Link With Layer = Yes
now we're getting tricky

We’re all done making the candy look hard. Now it’s time to lick it….no seriously.
9. In this step we’re going to make our candy look like someone has salivated all over it…either that or maybe someone dipped it in a sugary sweet candy coating! (note: This is the hardest part of tutorial to explain but you’ll figure it out.”)
Activate the layer named ‘Sugar’. Hold down the ‘command’ (’control’ on a PC) and click on the layer to select all the letters in your word. Add a layer mask to it.

Hit ‘L’ to select the Lasso Tool and select the ‘Intersect with Selection’ option. Make sure you CLICK ON THE LAYER MASK FIRST before you go to Step 10.
10. Now that you’ve selected the layer mask and not your actual text, draw around your selection loosely and fluidly. The idea is to make this look like liquid. It doesn’t matter if you go out side of the lines or get too crazy, you can fix it later by editing the mask. Once you’ve made a selection through the whole word, go back to your starting point and let go of the mouse. This will subtract everything from the selection except for what you’ve just drawn! (note: click the image below for a close-up view!)
11. Now Make the following settings to the Layer Style of the topmost layer ‘Sugar’.
Bevel and Emboss Settings (note: this makes it look like a candy coating)
Style = Inner Bevel, Technique = Smooth, Depth = 100%, Direction = Up, Size = 5px, Soften = 0″

Color Overlay Settings (note: this gives the liquid a bit sugary glow and a bit of pop)
Blend Mode = Overlay, Opacity = 23%
Gradient Overlay Settings
Blendmode = Screen, Opacity = 35%, Style = Linear, Align with Layer = Yes, Angle = 90%, Scale = 100%
Gradient Color = #6f1d1d as the darker hue with #FFFFFF as the lighter hue.
12. Lo and behold you’re done! You’ve got hard candy dipped in sugary sweetness!
13. We COULD stop there but I always like to ’sweaten’ (no pun intended) my designs with color backgrounds. Create blank layer. Add a Color Overlay in the Layer Styles and set the color to #0f0702.

14. Add a new layer. Add a Layer Mask. Select the Gradient Tool (Hit the ‘G’ Key) with the normal black/white colors. Set it to Radial and Reversed. Drag from the center of your image to the outside of the screen. Bam. Instant spotlight. Now add the Color Overlay of your choice.

Simple right? Don’t you just want to lick the screen? Of course we could get far more detailed with this but this tutorial is long enough! Make sure you download the files below to make sure you’ve done things correctly! Email me your derivative works or your improvements and I’ll profile them on this blog. jongos [at] gmail [dot] com
Download this Tutorial with all relevant PSD, Font and Pattern Files here! Download just the font here!

Mudah sekali bukan..Semoga dapat bermanfaat."

Efek Teks 3D Lava

Tutorial ini akan menunjukkan ke kamu bagaimana menciptakan 3 D teks yang seolah-olah berpijar pada lava panas.

1. Mulai dengan membuat dokumen baru dengan uk. 600 X 600 pxl. dan isi dengan warna background HITAM

2. Gunakan Type Tool untuk membuat teks kamu dgn warna putih dan tempatkan di tengah.

3. lalu ke menu Layer-> Flattern Image. Untuk menggabung Layer.

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4. Sekarang ke menu Filter->Stylize->wind ( Method =: Wind. Direction:= From the left )
5. Press CTRL+F di keyboard untuk mengulang lagi efek wind.

6.Lagi ke menu Filter->Stylize->wind ( Method =: Wind. Direction: =From the right )
7. Press CTRL+F untuk mengulang efek wind. Hasilnya seperti di bawah.

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8. Press " D" di keyboard untuk menyeting warna hitam dan putih.

9. Lalu ke menu Filter->Render->Difference Clouds.

10. Sekarang kamu gunakan Type Tool lagi untuk membuat teks dengan ukuran sama seperti tadi, isi dengan warna putih, lalu tempatkan itu tepat di atas teks yang asli. Kemudian set opacity menjadi 60%. Ini akan membuat teks kamu agak gelap.

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11. Sekarang gabung gambar lagi dengan klik menu. Layer->Flatten Image

12. Lalu ke menu Filter->Stylize->Extrude. masukkan daftar bawah lalu klik OK.

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13. Kemudian Image->Adjustment->Invert

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14. Sekarang ke Image->Adjustments->Color Balance

untuk setiap Tone Balance, seting level warna seperti berikut.

Secara berurutan

- Midtones: [ +100 ] [ 0 ] [ -40 ]
- Shadows: [ +70 ] [ 0 ] [ -70 ]
- Highligts: [ +80 ] [ 0 ] [ -40 ]

Maka beginilah hasilnya

efek teks photoshop - 3 dimensi lava_f1

Kamu juga bisa menggunakan teknik di atas untuk memasang bentuk dan hasilnya akan nampak seperti batu dalam Lava pijar

efek teks photoshop - 3 dimensi lava_f2


Mudah sekali bukan..Semoga dapat bermanfaat."

Efek Teks Crhome

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Kita telah melihat banyak tutorial Photoshop menunjukkan bagaimana menciptakan efek teks chrome. Dalam tutorial ini kita akan melangkah lebih jauh dan menciptakan efek teks chrome yang berwarna. Ikuti langkah-langkah itu dengan cermat.

1. Bukalah dokumen baru dengan ukuran 500 x 500 Pixels. Akan lebih bagus jika warna background adalah hitam. Pilih TYPE TOOL, lalu tuliskan teks " BIG " dengan huruf tebal warna putih, ukuran kira-kira 190 pt. Seperti image di bawah.
Sekarang kita punya 2 layer, yaitu layer background dan layer teks.

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2. Lalu kamu dobel klik pada layer teks untuk memunculkan Layer Style Window. Klik pada Gradient Overlay dan ciptakan gradien yang kamu lihat pada gambar bawah.

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3. Kita butuh 6 warna dengan harga ( dari kiri ke kanan ) adalah :
A = #bedeec, B = #bcb7d7, C = #f0c9d7, D = #f5c8b5, E = #f5f2ca, F = #dff3fe.
Jika sudah, klik OK Sehingga kita akan menghasilkan gambar seperti ini.

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4. Kita kembali ke layer Style, klik pada Satin dan masukkan setingan berikut.

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5. Sekarang kita punya gambar seperti ini.

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6. Lalu kita akan memasang Style berikut secara berurutan : Inner Glow, Outer Glow, Inner Shadow, dan Drop Shadow. Kamu masukkan angka-angka tersebut.
Inner glow

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Outer glow

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Inner shadow menggunakan setingan Custom Contour yang mana bisa dilihat pada kotak berikut.

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Drop Shadow

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7. Dan kamu bisa melihat efek teks seperti ini.

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8. Itu nampak OK tetapi kita bisa mengembangkan lagi. Sesungguhnya itu tidak nampak seperti Crome, Bukan ?. Kita butuh untuk memasang Style Bevel dan Emboss. Mari kita lihat setingannya. Custom Contour bisa ditemukan di kotak berikut. Masukkan angka-angka.

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9. Dan kita dapatkan Image seperti ini.

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10. Ini nampak lebih baik, sekarang kita buat sedikit lebih gelap. Mari kita lakukan itu.
Kamu ke menu Layer > Add Adjustment Layer > Exposure dan masukkan setingan berikut.

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11. Maka terlihat hasilnya seperti ini.

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Mudah sekali bukan..Semoga dapat bermanfaat."

Efek Glass

fek ini menciptakan ketikkan teks dalam background gelas, yang menghasilkan efek yang menakjubkan. Ikutilah langkah-langkah di bawah ini.
1. Buka gambar ( Image ) di Photoshop. Kita akan menggunakan tekstur metal basah.

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2. Lalu kamu seting Level, lanjutkan ke menu Image > Adjustment > Levels dan pasang setingan di bawah ini.

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3. Gunakan Type Tool dan ketikkan teks yang kamu inginkan.

Saya menggunakan huruf " Cancun " dengan ukuran 120 pt.

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4. Di dalam layer pallet isilah Opacity menjadi " 0 ". Lihat gambar bawah.

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5. Sekarang waktunya untuk menambah Layer Style.

Lanjutkan ke menu Layer > Layer Style > Blending Option, lalu pasang setingan di bawah ini.

Secara berurutan ada Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Bevel dan Emboss, Satin, dan Stroke.

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Maka akhirnya akan menghasilkan gambar seperti ini.

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Mudah sekali bukan..Semoga dapat bermanfaat."